The Assembly held 50 public
hearings all over B.C. in May and June 2004.
The goal was to ensure that meetings were held in convenient
places, and that nobody had to travel too far to get to one.
Assembly members were in attendance at each of these public
hearings, to listen first-hand to British Columbians’
views on electoral reform.
Here is
an overview of
what they heard. We also have online
summaries of
the presentations made at the hearings, and
news releases issued by the Assembly
after each hearing.
The schedule of hearing dates and locations is still
available here. Also available is the
list of 370 people who registered to make presentations at the 50
hearings. This list is in two forms: a
document (160KB) and an
spreadsheet (108KB). Many others made informal
presentations, joined in discussion, or sparked debate.
While not all members of the Citizens' Assembly attended every
public meeting, there were members at each meeting. They ranged
in number from four to 24, and they reported
back to their colleagues.
After the hearings were over, a committee of members met in July
and reviewed the presentations. They deemed nine to have been of
particular merit, and invited those
presenters to make presentations to the full Assembly in
Vancouver on September 11, 2004.
During the 13 months ended 27 September 2004, The Assembly
office also accepted written submissions from the public, and made
them available to all members of the Assembly. Members of the
public sent 1,603 such submissions. To view them, click