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News Releases

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News release

07-MAR-2004 - Assembly works on electoral 'statement'

News release

27-FEB-2004 - Assembly hears international experts

Rafe Mair column

26-FEB-2004 - True reform from B.C.

News release

22-FEB-2004 - Assembly tours electoral world

News release

13-FEB-2004 - Assembly probes electoral options

Throne Speech

10-FEB-2004 - The BC Government’s Speech from the Throne, delivered in the legislature February 10, 2004, mentioned the Citizens’ Assembly:

News release

09-FEB-2004 - Assembly to meet in Prince George

News release

08-FEB-2004 - Assembly probes voting systems

News excerpts (The Province, CBC)

06-FEB-2004 - The federal government will look to provincial experiments such as the Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform as part of a parliamentary reform package.

News release

02-FEB-2004 - Assembly digs into detail

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