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Throne Speech

10th February, 2004 : Victoria (Internal)
The BC Government’s Speech from the Throne, delivered in the legislature February 10, 2004, mentioned the Citizens’ Assembly:

"Later in the year, the Premier will host a series of roundtables aimed at engaging B.C.'s families in a discussion about their hopes and aspirations for the future. Building on the successful model employed to create the Citizens’ Assembly, roundtable participants will be randomly selected in sev eral communities. They will be invited to share their views on the challenges and opportunities that they see for their families and their communities. And they will be asked to offer constructive suggestions on the steps they would like their government to pursue in a wide range of public policy areas that have a major effect on their day-to-day lives and futures. . . .

"As we look to the year ahead, all eyes will be on the work of the Citizens’ Assembly that your government established this year. The 161-member Citizens’ Assembly is deliberating on how best to elect members to this Legislative Assembly. It is a ground-breaking initiative of which British Columbians are rightly proud. It gives British Columbians an unprecedented opportunity to bring out the best in our parliamentary system. Like all of the other measure and reforms that your government has introduced, it reflects your government’s abiding confidence in British Columbians."

The Speech from the Throne was read by B.C. Lieutenant-Governor Iona Campagnolo at the opening of the fifth session of the 37th Parliament of B.C.
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