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Audio & Video

Knowledge Network has produced a one-hour documentary of the Citizens' Assembly that will be broadcast in January 2005 and in the months leading up to the referendum.

During the Assembly's journey, Knowledge Network broadcast two short videos which publicized the public hearings and summarized what was said at those hearings. 

There's more: This informative 13-minute video gives an overview of the Assembly process, short-lists what the Assembly thinks are our current systems' strengths and weaknesses and discusses the five families of electoral systems.  This video was shown at the May and June public hearings.


Below, you'll find audio and video recordings of six Learning Phase weekends, a meeting held in Prince George and the six Deliberation Phase weekends. The Learning Phase and Deliberation Phase recordings were broadcast on Hansard TV during 2004.

To watch the videos, you will need Windows Media Player.  You can download WMP version 9 for free if you do not have it. There are versions for PCs and for Macs.  If you are on a dial-up connection, we recommend you choose the MP3 audio version.

TO DOWNLOAD: If you'd like to download these files straight to your computer, right click (on a PC) or control-click (for Mac) the link and then choose "download link to disk" or "save target as", etc.


The following recordings are of the Citizens' Assembly Learning Sessions which were conducted at the Wosk Centre for Dialogue in Vancouver in January-March, 2004.

The handouts and PowerPoint presentations that accompany theses learning sessions are available under each week's page, found in the Learning Materials menu at the left. If you really want to get the full experience, open up the corresponding presentation and follow along in audio or video.

Week 1, Session 1: January 10, 2004. 
In this first clip, the Assembly is called to order. Members and staff are introduced, followed by opening comments by Chair Jack Blaney and Citizens' Assembly members.
Part 1: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (45.5Mb, 1h 09m)
Part 1: Audio - MP3 format listen  (12.2Mb, 1h 09m)

Week 1, Session 2: January 10, 2004. 
Members report on shared values they developed in their discussion groups and decide on a common values statement. 
Part 2: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (29.2Mb, 36m)
Part 2: Audio - MP3 format listen  (6.5Mb, 36m)

In this session, the Learning Phase begins with an introduction to politics and electoral systems.  The Assembly considers the range of competing issues involved in electoral reform and what is important to British Columbians.
Part 3: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (41.5Mb, 1h 03m)
Part 3: Audio - MP3 format listen  (11.1Mb, 1h 03m)

Week 1, Session 3: January 11, 2004. 
This clip is of the morning question and comment period, followed by an introduction to the glossary and submissions.
Part 4: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (14.2Mb, 21m)
Part 4: Audio - MP3 format listen  (3.8Mb, 21m)

Next, Assembly hears about possible criteria for judging electoral systems.
Part 5: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (41.9Mb, 1h 03m)
Part 5: Audio - MP3 format listen  (11.2Mb, 1h 03m)

Members and staff share comments during the weekend's closing session.
Part 6: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (12.4Mb, 19m)
Part 6: Audio - MP3 format listen  (3.3Mb, 19m)

Week 2, Session 1: January 24, 2004. 
In this session, the Assembly considers the role of elections, representation and parliaments in the process of democratic government.
Part 7: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (46.6Mb, 1h 09m)
Part 7: Audio - MP3 format listen  (14.4Mb, 1h 09m)

Week 2, Session 2: January 24, 2004. 
The Assembly hears an in-depth exploration of political parties and competition between parties.
Part 8: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (43Mb, 1h 04m)
Part 8: Audio - MP3 format listen  (11.5Mb, 1h 04m)

After a full day of new ideas and lively discussion, members engage in a question and answer period with the research staff.
Part 9: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (14.5Mb, 21m)
Part 9: Audio - MP3 format listen  (10.7Mb, 21m)

Week 2, Session 3: January 25, 2004. 
The Canadian experience of electoral system change is presented in this session.
Part 10: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (68.5Mb, 1h 04m)
Part 10: Audio - MP3 format listen  (18.2Mb, 1h 04m)

Members engage in an end-of-the-weekend question and answer period with the research staff.
Part 11: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (8.6Mb, 13m)
Part 11: Audio - MP3 format listen  (2.3Mb, 13m)

Week 3, Session 1: February 7, 2004. 
In this clip, the Assembly's customary question and comment period is followed by a presentation on democratic electoral systems. During this clip, the major elements of an electoral system are addressed and an overview of the different electoral families is provided.
Part 12: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (49.2Mb, 1h 12m)
Part 12: Audio - MP3 format listen  (13.1Mb, 1h 12m)

Week 3, Session 2: February 7, 2004. 
Assembly business is covered in this clip, including a discussion about public hearings.
Part 13: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (15.2Mb, 22m)
Part 13: Audio - MP3 format listen  (4Mb, 22m)

Majority electoral systems is the topic of this presentation. The second ballot and the alternative vote are both explained.
Part 14: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (34.6Mb, 51m)
Part 14: Audio - MP3 format listen  (9.2Mb, 51m)

Andre Blais, world expert on voting and electoral systems, visits the Assembly and speaks about voting and voter turnout.
Part 15: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (43.3Mb, 1h 05m)
Part 15: Audio - MP3 format listen  (11.6Mb, 1h 05m)

Week 3, Session 3: February 8, 2004.
The Citizens' Assembly discusses Recommendation #3 - "should there be presentations to the Assembly as a whole?"
Part 16: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (40.5Mb, 1h 01m)
Part 16: Audio - MP3 format listen  (10.8Mb, 1h 01m)

In this session, the Assemby examines plurality systems.
Part 17: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (41.5Mb, 1h 03m)
Part 17: Audio - MP3 format listen  (11.1Mb, 1h 03m)

Members and staff offer closing comments for Weekend 3.
Part 18: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (1.9Mb, 3m)
Part 18: Audio - MP3 format listen (0.5Mb, 3m)

Week 4, Session 1: February 21, 2004.
The fourth weekend of the Assembly begins with a question and answer period. Then, the Assembly hears a presentation about proportional representation list systems (PR-List).
Part 19: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (53.2Mb, 1h 25m)
Part 19: Audio - MP3 format listen  (14.2Mb, 1h 25m)

Week 4, Session 2: February 21, 2004.
This afternoon session opens with an explaination of how members are being allocated to attend the public hearings held during May and June 2004. The lecture which follows explains proportional representation by the single transferable vote (PR-STV).
Part 20: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (50.8 Mb, 1h 20m)
Part 20: Audio - MP3 format listen (13.4Mb, 1h 20m)

The research staff show two websites that demonstrate some concepts of PR and answer questions from the members.
Part 21: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (29.8Mb, 48m)
Part 21: Audio - MP3 format listen  (8Mb, 48m)

Week 4, Session 3: February 22, 2004.
In this clip, the Assembly passes Recommendation #3 and then the members of a selection committee are randomly chosen. A presentation is given to explain mixed electoral systems.
Part 22: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (58.7Mb, 1h 31m)
Part 22: Audio - MP3 format listen  (15.2Mb, 1h 31m)

As a closing to the weekend, a few items of business are raised and the research staff offer a look ahead to weekend 5.
Part 23: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (7.2Mb, 11m)
Part 23: Audio - MP3 format listen  (2Mb, 11m)

Week 5, Session 1: March 6, 2004.
Questions and announcements open the Assembly's fifth weekend. David Farrell, of the University of Manchester (England), reviews electoral system changes in both recently instituted and established democracies. Farrell wrote the book the Assembly is using as a reference text.
Part 24a: Video - Windows Media Player format view (36Mb, 49 m)
Part 24b: Video - Windows Media Player format view (32Mb, 45m)
Part 24: Audio - MP3 format listen  (17Mb, 1h 35m)

Week 5, Session 2: March 6, 2004.
At the start of this clip, the Assembly hears about the public hearings communications plan. Elizabeth McLeay of Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, speaks to the Assembly about the effects of changing electoral systems.
Part 25: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (51.7Mb, 1h 17m)
Part 25: Audio - MP3 format listen  (13.8Mb, 1h 17m)

Visiting experts McLeay and Farrell join Assembly research staff in a question and answer period.
Part 26: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (38.7Mb, 57m)
Part 26: Audio - MP3 format listen (10.3Mb, 57m)

Week 5, Session 3: March 7, 2004.
This clip is an introduction to the members' Preliminary Statement .
Part 27: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (8Mb, 12m)
Part 27: Audio - MP3 format listen  (2.1Mb, 12m)

Members report back on their discussion groups' findings about the pros and cons of our current electoral system. A summary of these reports is presented and members comment on the Citizens' Assembly process so far.
Part 28: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (45.2Mb, 1h 07m)
Part 28: Audio - MP3 format listen (12Mb, 1h 07m)

Week 6, Session 1: March 20, 2004.
This clip is of Week 6 opening comments by the Chair and members of the Assembly. An agenda for preparing the Preliminary Statement is presented.
Part 29: Video - Windows Media Player format view (31Mb, 46m)
Part 29: Audio - MP3 format listen  (8.2Mb, 46m)

Week 6, Session 2: March 20, 2004.
Members report on the morning's group discussions about local representation and proportionality. Then, members offer additional insights to these topics.
Part 30: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (39.6Mb, 58m)
Part 30: Audio - MP3 format listen (10.6Mb, 58m)

Groups report their work from the afternoon breakout sessions on the topic of evaluating electoral system families. Members reflect on the Preliminary Statement and its preparation process.
Part 31: Video - Windows Media Player format view (42.5Mb, 1h 03m)
Part 31: Audio - MP3 format listen (11.4Mb, 1h 03m)

Week 6, Evening: March 20, 2004.
David Baxter, Executive Director, of the Urban Futures Institute, addresses the diversity and trends of British Columbia.
Part 32: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (60.4Mb, 1h 30m)
Part 32: Audio - MP3 format listen  (16Mb, 1h 30m)

Week 6, Session 3: March 21, 2004.
Members comment on a draft version of the Preliminary Statement . This clip also includes a presentation about "going forward" which speaks to the Prince George meeting in June and the deliberation phase in the Fall.
Part 33: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (36.8Mb, 54m)
Part 33: Audio - MP3 format listen (9.8Mb, 54m)

This clip shows a presentation about the upcoming public hearings.
Part 34: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (15.2Mb, 23m)
Part 34: Audio - MP3 format listen (4Mb, 23m)

Breakout groups report on their ideas about the public hearings and closing comments are offered.
Part 35: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (6.7Mb, 37m)
Part 35: Audio - MP3 format listen (25Mb, 37m)

» PRINCE GEORGE MEETING - After the Public Hearings

Saturday, Session 1: June 26, 2004. 
The Citizens' Assembly opens its first meeting since the Learning Phase ended in March.  Members hear an overview of what was said during the 50 public hearings held during May and June 2004.  Then, members engage in a question and answer period.
Part 36: Video - Windows Media Player format view (52Mb, 1h 19m)
Part 36: Audio - MP3 format listen (14MB, 1h 19m)

Saturday, Session 2: June 26, 2004. 
Submissions represent a wide range of opinions; this presentation offers a look at what the submissions are saying to members.
Part 37: Video - Windows Media Player format view (32Mb, 48m)
Part 37: Audio - MP3 format listen (9Mb, 48m)

Saturday, Session 3: June 26, 2004. 
Citizens' Assembly members reconvene to report on their small group discussions about the public hearings and submissions. The last 20 minutes of this clip is a presentation about British Columbia communities "beyond Hope", based on a 2003 BC Statistics report.
Part 38: Video - Windows Media Player format view (57Mb, 1h 25m)
Part 38: Audio - MP3 format listen (16Mb, 1h 25m)

Sunday, Session 4: June 27, 2004. 
The Assembly tackles a few business items. This clip continues with a presentation about the deliberation phase.
Part 39: Video - Windows Media Player format view (30Mb, 45m)
Part 39: Audio - MP3 format listen (8Mb, 45m)

Sunday, Session 5: June 27, 2004. 
Members' groups report on their discussions about the deliberation phase.
Part 40: Video - Windows Media Player format view (22Mb, 33m)
Part 40: Audio - MP3 format listen (8Mb, 33m) 


Week 1 , Saturday: September 11, 2004. 
The deliberation phase kicks-off with a day of presentations. The following nine presentations were selected, by a committee of members, to represent a sample of the opinions heard during the May and June public hearings.  In these clips, a question and answer period is held after each presentation. For information about the presenters, including their submissions and biographies, visit Deliberation: Weekend 1.

In this clip, you'll hear presentations by Ian McKinnon, Bruce Hallsor and Tom Hoenisch.
Part 41: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (62Mb, 1h 35m)
Part 41: Audio - MP3 format listen (16MB, 1h 35m)

Presentations by Katherine Gordon and Julian West.
Part 42: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (41Mb, 1h 2m)
Part 42: Audio - MP3 format listen (11MB, 1h 2m)

Nick Loenen and Chris Morey present to the Assembly.
Part 43: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (43Mb, 1h 05m)
Part 43: Audio - MP3 format listen (12MB, 1h 05m)

Presentations by Arpal Dosanjh and Jim Nielsen.
Part 44: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (41Mb, 43m)
Part 44: Audio - MP3 format listen (11MB, 43m)

The Assembly recieves some tools to navigate the written submissions (approx. 1600 recieved) and hears some 'pearls of wisdom' that a few members gleaned from the submissions.
Part 45: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (27Mb, 40m)
Part 45: Audio - MP3 format listen (7MB, 40m)

Week 1, Sunday: September 12, 2004. 
"Starting to Decide" is the theme of this plenary presentation by Assembly staff member Dr. Carty. See his speaking notes and PowerPoint presentation.
Part 46: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (44Mb, 1h 07m)
Part 46: Audio - MP3 format listen (12MB, 1h 07m)

Reports from small discussion groups are shared and then compiled into a list of three key electoral values that will guide the Assembly during its decision-making. These values are proportional representation, local representation and voter choice.
Part 47: Video - Windows Media Player format view  (19Mb, 29m)
Part 47: Audio - MP3 format listen (5MB, 29m)

Week 2 , Saturday: September 25, 2004.
Michael Fogel, expert mediator and educator, presents some ideas about Getting to Yes. In this workshop, members learn and practice skills in conflict resolution and consensus building.
Part 48: Video - Windows Media Player format view (59Mb, 1h 28m)
Part 48: Audio - MP3 format listen (16MB, 1h 28m)

The Assembly's shared values are reconfirmed in this clip.  Members hold an in-depth discussion about the 10 Decisions of the deliberation phase. 
Part 49: Video - Windows Media Player format view (48Mb, 1h 13m)
Part 49: Audio - MP3 format listen (13MB, 1h 13m)

Members of the Assembly answer, "what attributes do you want to be a part of BC's electoral system?" With these ideas in mind, the Assembly uses its key electoral system values to narrow down the options for an alternative system to two: Single Transferable Vote (STV) and Mixed Member Proportional (MMP). The Assembly then reviews the variable parts of each system.
Part 50: Video - Windows Media Player format view (50Mb, 1h 17m)
Part 50: Audio - MP3 format listen (14MB, 1h 17m)

Week 2, Sunday: September 26, 2004.
Equipped with the knowledge they gained about STV in their discussion groups, members meet to see if they can devise an electoral system with 160 participants - something never done before in the world.
Part 51: Video - Windows Media Player format view (57Mb, 1h 26m)
Part 51: Audio - MP3 format listen (15MB, 1h 26m)

The Assembly continues their progress on sketching out STV as a possible alternative to our current electoral system.
Part 52: Video - Windows Media Player format view (44Mb, 1h 06m)
Part 52: Audio - MP3 format listen (12MB, 1h 06m)

Week 3 , Saturday: October 16, 2004.
A brief history of democracy sets the tone for this weekend. The Assembly then reviews the STV system it designed last meeting. A presentation follows on boundary commissions and the elements of a mixed electoral system.
Part 53: Video - Windows Media Player format view (50Mb, 1h 16m)
Part 53: Audio - MP3 format listen (14MB, 1h 16m)

In this clip, the Assembly 'gets into the plumbing' of creating a mixed electoral system. Members make cases for electoral system elements, such as the mix proportion of different systems.
Part 54: Video - Windows Media Player format view (52Mb, 1h 17m)
Part 54: Audio - MP3 format listen (14MB, 1h 17m)

Lisa Young, a leading political scientist from the University of Calgary, speaks to the Assembly about electoral systems and representative outcomes, especially womens' representation in the legislature.
Part 55: Video - Windows Media Player format view (43Mb, 1h 05m)
Part 55: Audio - MP3 format listen (12MB, 1h 05m)

Week 3, Sunday: October 17, 2004.
Moving forward on the principles of open and regional lists, the Assembly continues to build a mixed electoral system.
Part 56: Video - Windows Media Player format view (52Mb, 1h 18m)
Part 56: Audio - MP3 format listen (14MB, 1h 18m)

The Assembly finishes drafting a Mixed Member Proportional system, which is one of two alternate systems they will compare to the current system.
Part 57: Video - Windows Media Player format view (50Mb, 1h 16m)
Part 57: Audio - MP3 format listen (13MB, 1h 16m)

Week 4 , Saturday: October 23, 2004.
Jack Blaney, Chair of the Assembly, speaks about coming to a decision. Then, the Assembly hears a review of its mixed constituency-party (MMP) system and its voter preference (STV) system.  This presentation also prepares the Assembly to choose the best alternate electoral system by addressing the institutional features of each system, relationships between voters and MLAs, the Westminister Parliamentary system and political parties.
Part 58: Video - Windows Media Player format view (42Mb, 1h 03m)
Part 58: Audio - MP3 format listen (11MB, 1h 03m)

The Citizens' Assembly holds a debate on which system is the best alternative system for British Columbia, MMP or STV.
Part 59: Video - Windows Media Player format view (68Mb, 1h 42m)
Part 59: Audio - MP3 format listen (18Mb, 1h 42m)

After a short concluding debate, the Assembly casts ballots on their system preferences, resulting in 80% support for STV (123 votes for STV, 31 votes for MMP).
Part 60: Video - Windows Media Player format view (21Mb, 32m)
Part 60: Audio - MP3 format listen (6MB, 32m)

Week 4, Sunday: October 24, 2004.
Making a recommendation is the focus of this historic day. Members hear a presentation about our current system (FPTP) and are then addressed with important questions about what might be gained or lost with a change to the electoral system.
Part 61: Video - Windows Media Player format view (33Mb, 50m)
Part 61: Audio - MP3 format listen (9MB, 50m)

A debate is held comparing FPTP, our current system, to STV, the best alternative electoral system. Members argue passionately for both sides and then vote on whether to retain the current system.
A clear majority, 93% of members, votes not to keep the current system (142 voted No, 11 voted Yes). The Assembly then resolutely recommends an STV system to BC with 95% support (7 voted No, 146 voted Yes).
Part 62: Video - Windows Media Player format view (42Mb, 1h 03m)
Part 62: Audio - MP3 format listen (11MB, 1h 03m)

Week 5 , Saturday: November 13, 2004.
The Assembly reviews the design of its recommended STV system with the assistance of the research staff and a helpful animated website (click here and choose How your vote counts then Proportional Representation in the left hand column). Specifically, the members discuss how many MLAs will represent a district in low, medium and high population density areas. Members also consider what is a valid marking on the STV ballot.
Part 63: Video - Windows Media Player format view (53Mb, 1h 20m)
Part 63: Audio - MP3 format listen (14Mb, 1h 20m)

Members discuss other considerations that are related to BC's political system - but lie outside of the Assembly's mandate - to possibly mention in their Final Report . The referendum question for May 17 is also reviewed.
Part 64: Video - Windows Media Player format view (35Mb, 53m)
Part 64: Audio - MP3 format listen (9Mb, 53m)

Week 5, Saturday: November 14, 2004.
In this clip, the Assembly revisits the wording of the referendum question. Then, members take a look at the design of its Final Report and begin to edit the content.
Part 66: Video - Windows Media Player format view (39Mb, 58m)
Part 66: Audio - MP3 format listen (10Mb, 58m)

Members continue editing the Final Report . Then, the Assembly debates and decides on a name for the recommended electoral system: BC-STV.
Part 67: Video - Windows Media Player format view (52Mb, 1h 19m)
Part 67: Audio - MP3 format listen (14Mb, 1h 19m)

Week 6 , Saturday: November 27, 2004.
Premier Gordon Campbell and Attorney General Geoff Plant honour the Assembly members with a certificate for their contribution to British Columbia. Chair Jack Blaney and Premier Campbell address the members.
Part 68: Video - Windows Media Player format view (29Mb, 44m)
Part 68: Audio - MP3 format listen (8Mb, 44m)

The Assembly takes a last look at its Final Report and the referendum question. A few items from the Technical Report are then addressed. Before heading to discussion groups, members hear a presentation about communicating their recommendation of BC-STV to the province.
Part 69: Video - Windows Media Player format view (52Mb, 1h 18m)
Part 69: Audio - MP3 format listen (14Mb, 1h 18m)

Members share a few ideas from their discussion groups about explaining BC-STV to their communities.
Part 70: Video - Windows Media Player format view (12Mb, 17m)
Part 70: Audio - MP3 format listen (3Mb, 17m)

Week 6, Sunday: November 28, 2004.
The Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform bids goodbye to each other, a proud moment for all members, staff and small group facilitators.
Part 71: Video - Windows Media Player format view (17Mb, 25m)
Part 71: Audio - MP3 format listen (Mb, 25m)

Making Every Vote Count: December 21, 2004.
The Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform final video.
Video - Windows Media Player format view (35Mb, 11m)

TO DOWNLOAD: If you'd like to download these files straight to your computer, right click (on a PC) or control-click (for Mac) the link and then choose "download link to disk" or "save target as", etc.
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