The Assembly members' "Learning Phase" was divided
into six weekends of study, plus homework reading.
Handouts provided to members and presentations from the second
weekend of their Learning Phase, January 24-25, 2004, can be
downloaded here:
Session 1: Elections, Representation and
Session 2: Parties and Party
Session 3: Canadian experience
This was the agenda for the second weekend, January 24-25:
Saturday January 24
Morning: Elections, Representation and
Parliamentary government
- Elections and representative assemblies
- Assemblies and parliamentary government
- The idea of ‘responsible’ government
- Actual and potential functions of the legislature
- Variety of roles for an elected member
Keeping government open and accountable
- Rise of disciplined parliamentary parties
- Effects of government domination of parliament
- Scrutiny of legislation and the activities of government
- Consequences of coalition and minority government
- Debates over parliamentary reform
- Electoral systems and parliamentary consequences
Discussion Groups
* What should representative assemblies represent?
* How should parliamentary government work?
* What should be expected from members of parliament?
* What are benefits/costs of coalition and minority
Afternoon: Parties and Party
Parties, elections and parliament
- Mass politics and the rise of parties
- Party and coherent choices at elections
- Parliamentary parties and government
- Party discipline
Parties as organizations
- Parties, ideology, programs and policies
- Intraparty democracy
- Party and the recruitment of candidates
The number of parties and the party system
- Two party competition and the nature of electoral choice
- Competition between more than two parties
- New parties and independents
Discussion Groups
* Are parties essential for electoral choice?
* What are the costs/benefits of party discipline?
* How should candidates be recruited for elections?
Sunday January 25
Morning: Canadian Experience
Electoral experimentation
- Multi-member districts, alternative voting formulas
- Block voting
- Western provinces experiences with STV, AV
- BC’s experiment in the 1950s
- Modest (and declining) participation rates
- Increasing equality of district size
Coalitions and minority governments
- Coalition experience and practice
- Minority government
Contemporary electoral reform initiatives
- Wrong winners,
- Oversized governments,
- Two-party oligopolies
- Minority under-representation
- Wasted votes
- Quebec, PEI, New Brunswick, Ontario
Discussion Groups
* Examine ballots (FPTP, STV & AV) used in Canada &
consider alternate outcomes
* The logic of aggregation (artificial majorities)
* Are there wasted votes?
* Explore how maps shape seat shares (equality)
* Questions and discussion of