Don MacLachlan
Associate Director of Communication
Don joined the assembly staff in August 2003 after taking early
retirement from Pacific Newspaper Group Inc. (The Vancouver Sun and
The Province) in Vancouver.
As director of communications with PNG, Don was responsible for
all aspects of internal and external communication, including
producing a regular corporate newsletter and acting as a public
spokesperson for the company.
Prior to moving into corporate communications, Don worked in The
Province newsroom, including four years as managing
editor. In total, he worked more than 33 years as a
reporter and editor for daily newspapers and news agencies.
As well as working in communications, Don managed the Assembly's
website operations. He was the founding editor of The Vancouver Sun
and Province websites, and also acted as director of communications
for Hollinger Digital in Vancouver from 1999-2000.
He is a past president of the Canadian Public
Relations Society (Vancouver) and remains on its board.
He and his wife, Barbara Sigerson, are partners in Clarity
Communications Inc., a Vancouver public relations
At home, Don has almost completed a book about
England’s King Richard III (Did he really murder the
Two Little Princes in the Tower?) and has three other books in
mind. He also belongs to Sherlock Holmes societies in
England and Canada, and is a founding member of the Scottish
Tartans Authority.