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What are the eligibility requirements for members?The eligibility requirements are designed to:
The Terms of
Reference approved by the government for the Citizens' Assembly
states that, “for the purposes of this selection
process, the following persons are not eligible to be members of
the Citizens' Assembly:
(a) a person who is not a Canadian citizen;
(b) a person not resident in British Columbia;
(c) a person under the age of 18;
(d) a judge, justice or court referee;
(e) a member or officer of the Parliament of Canada or of the
Privy Council of Canada;
(f) a member or officer of the Legislature or of the Executive
(g) an elected member of a local government, including a school
board or a park board;
(h) a candidate in the last 2 federal, provincial, municipal or
regional district elections;
(i) an official representative or agent of a person identified
in paragraph (h);
(j) an immediate family member of a sitting Member of the
Legislative Assembly;
(k) a current officer or official representative of a registered
provincial political party;
(l) a chief or band councillor elected under the Indian Act;
(m) an elected member of a Nisga'a Government as defined in the
Nisga'a Final Agreement.”
Members must live in British Columbia throughout the time of the
Assembly, which will take place during the year of 2004. To be a
representative of an electoral district, the home and/or permanent
address of interested individuals must be within the electoral
district. People such as students and workers who are temporarily
relocated for study or employment are able to represent their home
district while living in another. Once selected, members of the
Assembly who then move to a different electoral district will
continue to serve as members.
Further, fluency in written and oral English and the
availability to attend meetings and devote the necessary time are
equally important considerations for membership on the
Citizens’ Assembly.
For more detail, please dowload our Eligibility
Interpretation document.
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