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Members of the public sent to the Assembly a total of 1,603 public submissions during the 13 months ended 27 September 2004. And you can access them all lower down on this page.

Incidentally, the numbers on the submissions appear to show that there are 1,669 of them. After allowing for blanks, duplications and those submissions that were later withdrawn by the people who sent them, the real total is 1,603. Unfortunately, we cannot renumber the submissions to reflect that.

If a posted submission is dated after 27 September, that date refers to the date the submission was processed and posted to the website, not the date it was received. 

To help you navigate through the 1,603 submissions received from the public, here are:
  1. An introduction to the submissions, available as a Word document (40KB) or as a PDF document (110KB).
  2. A link to the View Submissions page, where you can read and/or search 1,603 submissions
  3. A complete list of the submissions and their abstracts, available as an Excel spreadsheet (472KB) or as a PDF (348KB)
  4. A guide to the longer submissions (i.e., 80 submissions that run four or more pages in length). This guide is available as a Word document (36KB) or as a PDF file (96KB).
  5. A list of the 80 longer submissions, indexed by electoral system and including abstracts. This list is available as an Excel spreadsheet (40KB) or as a PDF item (90KB).

Submission List

To read a submission in full, click on the submitter's name/number
Sort by Submission Date | Sort by Last Name


Please do not even consider proposing a regular date for elections. For one thing, you can see from the 2-year partisan battles currently going on in the United States how time-wasting that is. [1 page]
Category: Democratic elections
Author: Muriel J Enock
Date: Sep 01, 2004


I am concerned with fairness in the way votes are applied.   Each MLA should be elected from a riding of equal numbers of voters. I repeatedly hear that rural ridings want to continue the unequal advantage they presently enjoy. [2 pages]
Category: Democratic elections, Regional representation
Author: Gil Reynolds
Date: Sep 01, 2004


I strongly support a change to proportional representation, specifically the MMP system used in New Zealand and Germany. This system would greatly improve voter interest and moderate the wild policy swings that have plagued BC. [1 page]
Category: Electoral system change
Author: Dr Ilona Hale
Date: Sep 01, 2004


We support a mixed member proportional [MMP] system of voting. This submission was also signed by Myer Kronseth, Michael Risden, Elisa Shine, Spring Shine, Milne Gilbort, and Betty Tillotson. [1 page]
Category: Electoral system change
Author: Rowena Eloise
Date: Sep 01, 2004


I favour some variant of proportional representation [PR] because all votes would translate into actual representation.  It would be more difficult to force through legislation pushed by lobbly groups behind the scenes. [1 page]
Category: Electoral system change
Author: Alfred J Breuer
Date: Sep 01, 2004

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