FAQ: Referendum
What happens now that the Citizens' Assembly has
recommended a change?
The question will be put to all the voters in BC as a referendum
question at the next provincial election on May 17, 2005. If the
voters clearly endorse the Citizens’
Assembly’s recommendation, the government has promised
it will introduce legislation so that the new electoral system
could be in place for the following provincial election, in May
You must be registered to vote to cast your ballot in the
referendum. Register or update your voter information with Elections
Will there be a chance to vote for more than one
alternative electoral system?
The Assembly’s mandate states that the referendum will
offer only two options: the current system or the
Assembly’s recommended system, BC-STV. In May 2004 a
law was passed, stating that a referendum on the recommended model
must be held in conjunction with the general election.
Members have drafted the question, “Should British
Columbia change to the BC-STV electoral system as recommended by
the Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform? Yes/No”
There are no provisions for an alternate question or answer.
How much support does the recommendation need to pass in
a referendum?
In order for the referendum to pass, there needs to be 60% voter
support throughout the province as well as majority support (over
50%) in 48 of the 79 (60%) of the province’s
Isn’t the 60/60 double majority too high?
The intention of this referendum requirement is to be sure
that all parts of the province support this important
change. Also, there is nothing stopping the government
from introducing legislation that would enable the new system to go
into effect even if support for the Assembly’s
recommendation does not quite pass the 60% threshold.
What happens if the referendum doesn’t
Our voting system is absolutely central to our democracy. If
British Columbians decide against BC-STV, then the Assembly will
have given our voting system a thorough review and examination
– a valuable check-up on its state of health.
Click here for more
information on the referendum and its rules.