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Cliff Garbutt letter (17 January 2004)

The democratic dream: Delegates determined to succeed

This letter from Citizens' Assembly member Cliff Garbutt appeared in The Vancouver Sun on Saturday January 17, 2004

By Cliff Garbutt

Well, go figure. I was one of the fortunate few to have my name drawn out of a hat to be a member of the Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform. As a representative of skeptical, average British Columbians, I joined my cohorts from all over the province in the first big meeting last weekend.

You wouldn't believe it! In all of my life (I'm 40-something), I have never met a more positive or dedicated group assembled in any kind of team situation or co-operative. (I'm a team player-oriented video game developer).

I don't know quite how it happened, but I assure you that everybody selected is ready for business and dedicated and damned serious about getting this province into the hands of the voters (you and me).

Whatever the intention of the government might have been in forming this assembly, it has taken on a life of its own. We are being educated in the electoral processes throughout the world by the top authorities in the field, being shown systems from all around the planet and how the electoral process affects the actual governing process.

Aside from offering a free cheeseburger or a trip to Hawaii, we're also trying to figure out how to get the dwindling voting population back into action. I am writing this letter to give the skeptics out there a chance to fathom that for once, this is for real. Wish us luck! We will have to get this through a referendum and the legislature.

I want to assure everybody that we are looking at a new experiment in the democratic process and that we intend to succeed in making the people's voice heard.

Cliff Garbutt

North Vancouver
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