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University of Calgary symposium

Meeting - January 15th, 2004
Status: Confirmed - Organised by University of Calgary
The Centre for the Study of Public Affairs and the Institute for Advanced Policy Research at the University of Calgary sponsor a symposium session on Electoral Reform. Panellists include Dr. Lisa Young, University of Calgary, moderator; Dr. Ken Carty, Research Director, Citizens Assembly on Electoral Reform; Dr. Louis Massicotte, Technical Advisor to the Minister of Electoral Reform in Quebec, and Dr. William Cross, Research Director, Commission on Legislative Democracy, New Brunswick. The event will be held Thursday January 15 at 7 p.m. in the University Club, Calgary. All are welcome. For further information, contact Keith Archer, Director, Centre for the Study of Public Affairs (e-mail: or 403-220-6481

Announced on January 13th, 2004
Contact Information
Keith Archer . phone: 403-220-6481 .
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