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News release - Kelowna hearing (last of 50)24th June, 2004 :
Vancouver (Internal)
Proportional representation blasted
The last of 50 public hearings of the Citizens' Assembly on
Electoral Reform Thursday night featured a flurry of calls for a
Mixed Member Proportional electoral system — and a
ringing attack on Proportional Representation.
Speaking to the finale hearing in Kelowna, Jim Nielsen, who was
a Social Credit cabinet minister for 11 years, blasted PR in
general as "a monumental error in judgment."
"Why would we consider altering a system that has provided for
the most part stable government over the past 133 years?" he asked
the audience of 79 people. "Why would we wish to empower small
segments of society with influence inconsistent with their
political base?
"Would we want power-brokers constantly putting their votes up
for sale among those larger groups seeking to overthrow the
government of the day, if their own self-interests were met at the
expense of the wellbeing of the province?"
Nielsen said PR systems create minority and coalition
governments, and those mean instability that would drive away
investors in B.C. and cause the provincial economy to shrink.
Under the MMP system endorsed by a string of other speakers
Thursday night, a number of legislature seats would go to MLAs
elected in constituencies. The remaining seats would go to MLAs
from pre-published party lists. Those would result in each party's
share of places in the house reflecting its share of the popular
Said Nielsen: "The idea of a person becoming an MLA because
their name is on a political list without benefit of direct
endorsement by the electorate is appalling in our system. Why would
we tolerate back-door MLAs?"
The former broadcaster added: "Some changes may improve the
manner in which we choose members of the legislature: A run-off
vote to confirm a majority vote for members may be quite
acceptable, but the concept of Proportional Representation would be
a monumental error of judgment.
"It would divide the people into small interest groups promoting
religious differences, ethnic origins, single-issue zealots or
others prepared to seize a small part of the political pie to be
used as leverage in the world of political brokering.
"We would be fragmenting the system and entering a world of
political instability. We would also be welcoming political
opportunism, corruption and social unrest."
And Nielsen concluded: "A former premier of this province said
Proportional Representation is for losers. That is perhaps the only
time I have agreed with Glen Clark."
On the other side, Devra Rice of Kelowna was one of the series
of speakers argued for MMP:
"Our government should not be based on win-or-lose. It's not a
hockey game. . . With MMP, we'd get more diverse views, more
discussion, and perhaps even compromise. . . I think it would end
up a bit more moderate and a bit more positive."
As for the party-list system, she said: "The fact is that most
people make their judgments in regard to voting based on the party
ideology. . . . The party vote is a reasonable way to make a
Patty Weston also backed MMP, saying: "First Past the Post does
not promote the electing of MLAs that fully represent the people of
B.C. Nor does it reflect the richness of out pluralist society.
(It) leads to 'strategic voting' -- the infamous 'lesser evil vote'
-- and it is also not particularly accountable, as huge majorities
are possible. . . .
"MMP, I believe, also facilitates a move away from a
competitive, adversarial working environment within government, to
a more cooperative, collaborative and harmonious work culture. This
will also attract more women to politics, which is also desperately
Rae Stonehouse said MMP should also help tackle the "unfortunate
reality that our present democratic institutions largely exclude
women, Aboriginal peoples, people of colour, the poor, and
representatives of other minority groups."
And Terry W. Robertson urged assembly members:
"Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Look at what the vast majority
of the democratic countries of the world do, and also what a big
majority of the people of B.C. have said to this Assembly.
"The written and oral presentations overwhelmingly support some
kind of Proportional Representation, with MMP being the most
favoured form."
Other speakers backing MMP included David Rice, Devra's husband.
He then treated Assembly members, and the audience, to a cake to
celebrate the 50th and final public hearing.
Assembly members now meet in Prince George on the weekend to
review what they heard at the hearings (held all over B.C. in May
and June) and to begin preparing for their deliberation and
decision-making phase that starts in September.
While public hearings have ended, people can still send written
submissions to the Assembly. Details on how to do this are on the
Assembly's website at www.citizensassembly.bc.ca.
The Citizens' Assembly is an independent, representative,
non-partisan group of 160 randomly selected British Columbians.
They must decide by December 15 whether to propose a change to BC's
electoral system. If they recommend a change, it will be the
subject of a referendum for all voters in the May 2005 provincial
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