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News Release: Debate joined by hundreds

8th May, 2004 : Vancouver (Internal)
Week 1: Public finds voice over electoral system

The historic public debate over what kind of electoral system would best suit BC was joined this week by hundreds of British Columbians during a series of packed public meetings.

A multitude of viewpoints – both for and against the current political process – were offered by 49 presenters at six hearings, the first flurry in a series of 50 taking place throughout May and June. During the week, members of the Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform heard from residents in Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond and New Westminster. This afternoon they heard from the people of Surrey/White Rock, and from Valemount – the first hearing held so far outside the Lower Mainland.

While opinions have varied widely, a significant number of presenters have so far advocated that BC adopt a greater degree of proportionality. The mixed member proportional (MMP) system is favoured by many.

Comparisons with systems used in democracies elsewhere in the world – such as those chosen in New Zealand and Ireland – have also been made by presenters. Other parallels with systems in Europe have also been drawn by presenters and in comments from the public attending hearings. Common concerns of presenters also included: the general disenchantment of voters, the power exercised by the governing executive and the disempowerment of MLAs. A number of presenters have also questioned whether BC’s political system requires political parties at all.

So far, one presenter has strongly supported the current plurality, or ‘first-past-the-post’, system used in provincial elections.

Assembly members have been very encouraged by the number of people attending hearings, with venues enjoying a slate of at least seven presenters.

During the next five days Assembly members will travel to the Interior to hear presentations in Prince George, Grand Forks, Fort Nelson, Nelson, Quesnel, Fort St. John and Dawson Creek, before hearing from British Columbians in Powell River, Victoria and Ucluelet next weekend.
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