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News Release: Valemount public hearing

8th May, 2004 : Vancouver (Internal)
More calls for new electoral system

At a lively public hearing today in Valemount a team of members of the Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform heard more calls for a new electoral system in BC but also a plea to preserve strong local representation by MLAs.

The first of seven people to make formal presentations, David Marchant, of McBride, called for a New Zealand-style system of mixed member proportional representation. "I think it would tend to break up the political polarization that has dominated this province, and force more compromise and moderation into the legislation," he said.

He said he was not concerned that under MMP some MLAs would not represent local ridings.

"I have more faith in somebody who shares my viewpoint than in somebody who just happens to live in my riding … I might be better represented by somebody who lives in Vancouver but has the same point of view."

In contrast, Edwin Jones of Kamloops, also endorsed PR but insisted: "It is very important to have a local resident from the riding, who lives in the riding, who knows the riding, and is not parachuted in … we in the Interior need to be represented by local residents who can really represent the riding."

Roy Howard, of Dunster, also backed New Zealand-style MMP.

"Twenty per cent of the voters in each of the last two provincial elections voted for parties that were not then represented in the Legislature. These are essentially wasted votes … a proportional representation system will help solve some of these problems."

Other speakers objected to the prevalence of adversarial politics and to tight party control of MLAs. "The problem with politics is politics," said John Grogan, of Valemount.

Two presenters proposed that ballots should also allow for protest votes (‘none of the above’) and one gave a nod to Approval Voting, in which voters can vote for all the candidates of whom they approve.

The next public hearings are in Grand Forks and Prince George on Monday (May 10), Ft. Nelson, Quesnel and Nelson on Tuesday (May 11), Fort St. John on Wednesday (May 12) and Dawson Creek on Thursday (May 13).
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