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Powell River: New venue for hearing

5th May, 2004 : Vancouver (Internal)
New venue for key public hearing 

What do Powell River residents think of BC’s current electoral system? What are their values related to political representation? And what electoral system do they think would best reflect those values?

Members of the Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform will be listening closely for answers to such questions at a key public hearing in Powell River, Saturday, May 15, 1-4pm.

Please note that the meeting has a NEW VENUE to the one previously advertised.

The new venue is: Powell River Recreation Complex (Cedar Room), 5001 Joyce Avenue.

All residents of Powell River and surrounding communities are encouraged to attend, learn about the Assembly and share their thoughts on electoral options and what political values they hold dear. The meeting is one of 50 taking place throughout BC during May and June.

The Powell River hearing will begin with presentations from those who have pre-registered with the Assembly. After the formal presentations, Assembly members hope to engage all attendees in an open dialogue.

"Our Preliminary Statement to the People of British Columbia invited public input on the province’s electoral system, and on the values British Columbians’ want reflected in it – such as local representation, voter choice and proportionality," says Assembly chair Dr. Jack Blaney.

"This is a time for discussion and debate and we invite all British Columbians to join us in this process."

Members will discuss what they learned from the May and June hearings at a meeting of the full Assembly in Prince George on June 26-27. Then in the fall, the 160 members of the Assembly, who come from all over BC, will hold several full weekends of deliberation, culminating in a final recommendation.

Members must decide by December 15 if they will propose a change to BC’s current system of translating votes into seats in the Legislature. If they recommend a change, it will be the subject of a referendum for all voters in the May 2005 provincial election. Any change approved by the voters would take effect with the 2009 BC election.
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