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News release: Learning sessions on TV

21st May, 2004 : Vancouver (Internal)
Electoral systems on TV

Want to know more about how your vote in a provincial election gets translated into a seat in the Legislature?

Then join members of B.C.'s Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform as they study electoral systems from around the world.

Hansard TV (formerly known as the Legislative Channel) will rebroadcast the six weekends of the Citizens' Assembly "learning phase" sessions that were held January - March. Each session is around 5-6 hours long. Here is the broadcast schedule:

  • Tuesday May 25: Session 1, 10am, replayed at 5pm
  • Wednesday May 26: Session 2, 10am, replayed at 5pm
  • Thursday May 27: Session 3, 10am, replayed at 5pm
  • Tuesday June 1: Session 4, 10am, replayed at 5pm
  • Wednesday June 2: Session 5, 10am, replayed at 5pm
  • Thursday June 3: Session 6, 10am, replayed at 5pm
 Hansard TV is on channel 68 in the Lower Mainland. It can be seen on cable in 68 B.C. communities, and on StarChoice satellite TV.

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