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News release re: Referendum bill

12th May, 2004 : Victoria (Internal)
Electoral reform referendum bill introduced

[The following news release was issued by the B.C. ministry of the attorney general on Wednesday May 12, 2004.]


For Immediate Release


May 12, 2004

Ministry of Attorney General


VICTORIA - Legislation was introduced today to facilitate a provincewide referendum on a proposed new electoral model, if the Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform recommends one.

"Through the Citizen's Assembly we made a promise to British Columbians that their voices would be heard on the question of whether or not this province should reform its electoral system," said Attorney General Geoff Plant. "Now, we're taking the next step with legislation to confirm the process for a referendum to take place on election day if a new model is proposed."

The assembly was created to review all possible models of electing MLAs, and to make a recommendation by December 15, 2004 about whether to change to a different model. If the assembly recommends a new system, the act clears the way for a provincewide referendum on the proposed new system. The referendum will be held in conjunction with the May 2005 general election.

If the assembly recommends changing our electoral system, it will represent a fundamental change to our democratic processes, and should receive a clear mandate from voters. Therefore, as previously announced, the act provides for a higher approval threshold than the simple majority contained in the Referendum Act.

The results of the referendum will be binding only if the question receives at least 60 per cent support provincewide, and more than 50 per cent support in at least 60 per cent of the province's electoral districts.
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