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News release

16th April, 2004 : Vancouver (Internal)
Citizens' Assembly report in Chinese, Punjabi, French

B.C.'s Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform announces that its Preliminary Statement to the People of British Columbia now is available on its website in Chinese, Punjabi and French.

The goal is to allow as many British Columbians as possible to participate in the dialogue on electoral systems, prior to public hearings that will be held all over B. C. in May and June.

The non-English versions of the Preliminary Statement, and the schedule of hearings (which start in Vancouver May 3) can be found at The working language of the Assembly remains English, and the public hearings will be conducted in English.

The Assembly is an independent, non-partisan assembly of 160 randomly selected British Columbians who will look at how votes cast in provincial elections translate into seats in the Legislature. Their final report and recommendation to the people of B.C. must be delivered by Dec. 15, 2004.
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