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News release (Yukon government)

15th January, 2004 : Vancouver (Internal)
Yukon to monitor Citizens' Assembly

The following news release, and the terms of reference below it, was issued by the Yukon government on January 15, 2004


WHITEHORSE – Well-known Yukoner Ken McKinnon will monitor a special committee that has been set up in British Columbia to examine the province’s electoral system. The knowledge he gains will then be used when the Yukon sets up its own electoral reform commission.

The B.C. Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform will spend most of this year studying electoral systems in use around the world, holding public hearings, and determining whether changes are needed to the current electoral system.

"We are committed to establishing our own commission to examine electoral reform in the Yukon to ensure the way we elect MLAs provides for fair, equitable and effective representation. Mr. McKinnon’s appointment would be a first step towards this process," Yukon Premier Dennis Fentie said. "Mr. McKinnon brings to this assignment considerable experience as an MLA and as a long time Yukoner who’s been involved with the territory’s constitutional development for more than 40 years. We are delighted that he is available to do this work for the territory.

"McKinnon will be a senior advisor to this government on electoral reform." Fentie added. "Through access to the B.C. Citizens’ Assembly, he will have the ability to gain first hand knowledge and understanding of the issues and models available for reforming our electoral system. In this way, decisions on how the Yukon proceeds with an electoral reform commission will benefit from the research and discussions of the B.C. Citizens’ Assembly, without the significant price tag associated with the B.C. process."

The overall budget for the B.C. review is $5.5 million. The cost to the Yukon will be about $120,000 which will cover McKinnon’s pay and his travel-related expenses. Costs of a future Yukon electoral reform commission will depend on its make-up and mandate.

McKinnon’s contract requires him to provide an interim report this summer and final report by February 2005 based on his experience with, and insights into, the B.C. assembly. The reports, which will be tabled in the Yukon legislature, will include recommendations on how the research and conclusions of the B.C. Citizens’ Assembly can be used in the territory and how the public can be involved in a future Yukon electoral commission.

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The Yukon government has engaged Ken McKinnon to act as its Senior Advisor on Electoral Reform under the following terms of reference:

The Senior Advisor is to observe the deliberations of the British Columbia Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform and to assess how the research, discussions and conclusions of the Assembly can inform the establishment of a Yukon electoral reform commission.

The Senior Advisor is to provide an interim report to the Premier by July 31, 2004 that includes his initial observations on the electoral models examined by the Assembly and on the public discussions and views about electoral reform and their relevance to Yukon.

The Senior Advisor is to provide a final report to the Premier by February 1, 2005. In addition to providing an assessment of the relevance of the discussions and conclusions of the Assembly for Yukon, it is to include recommendations on how the research and conclusions can inform the mandate and operation of a Yukon electoral reform commission and how the Yukon public can be involved in discussions about the future of the Yukon’s electoral system.

Both the interim and final reports will be tabled in the Yukon Legislative Assembly.

The duration of this contract is from January 1, 2004 to January 31, 2005.

Total costs are estimated at $120 thousand for the contract including travel expenses at approved government rates. 
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