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Submission WOOD-1018 (Online)

Submission By Marilynn Wood
AddressLumby, BC, Canada
CategoryElectoral system change
MMP (Mixed Member Proportional voting system) is definitely the only way to go.  MMP leaves our current system of one local representative per riding intact then achieves proportionality with a second vote for a preferred party. [1 page]

Submission Content
MMP (Mixed Member Proportional voting system) is definitely the only way to go.

As previously stated on the Citizen's Assembly website:

"MMP leaves our current system of one local representative per riding intact, then achieves proportionality with the second vote for the preferred party. It is simple to understand and vote counting is straightforward and transparent. It would be very easy to make the transition from our current system."

The STV system is complicated and leaves too much room for creating more problems than we already have in this country. In fact, I personally feel, if we adopt the STV system we have all been wasting our time. The idea of this Assembly was to achieve proportional representation for the west. At least I thought that was the goal. The west in Canada especially does not have a voice when it comes to going up against the "Big Boys" in Ottawa. In fact it seems like everything is run by "A bunch of old white men in suits." Women, children, young adults, ethnic minorities, first nations people are all trampled under foot. I'm sick and tired of it. I want to see an equalitarian society where all have an equal say and influence.

One of the saddest things that seems to be happening, is that many young adults have become totally apathetic, and don't even bother to vote anymore. They think that their vote doesn't matter. I shudder to think that under our current system they might be right. This does not bode well for the future of Canada.

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