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Submission WARRINGTON-0434 (Online)

Submission By Grant Warrington
AddressVictoria, BC, Canada
CategoryElectoral system change
MMP addresses many of the concerns that voters have about how governments are elected. It can revitalize our ailing democracy, counter voter apathy, and require elected officials to consider alternative points of view [1 page]

Submission Content
What troubles me most is that I hear many younger persons say: 'voting doesn't matter'. Democracies die when the people believe themselves to be disenfranchised because of structures that maintain a no longer relevant status quo and where the people are simply not heard.

Mixed Member Proportional Representation (MMP) would seem to address many of the concerns that voters have about how the governments they elect are eventually formed. I believe that MMP provides an opportunity to revitalize our ailing democracy: it can counter voter apathy and it requires our elected officials to consider alternative points of view and to work collaboratively as opposed to adversarially along strict or dogmatic party lines. MMP should, in theory, be good for the people, regardless of political persuasion or loyalties. Let's give it a long overdue try!

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