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Submission OKEEFE-0057 (Online)

Submission By Kate O'Keefe
AddressKaslo, BC,
CategoryDemocratic government, Electoral system change
Proportional representation should be adopted, party discipline of MLAs should be reduced, and the ability of MLAs to hold ministers accountable should be enhanced. [1 page]

Submission Content

A response to 6 questions

   It is unacceptable that a "majority government" can be elected with less than 50% of the vote. Obviously, if the party received <50% it does not represent the people.

2.   People should be assured that their vote counts and it doesn't if conditions such as in #1 exist. So-called strategic voting means that a person does not vote for their first choice but for some other.

3.   I approve of a proportional representation system.

4.   Party discipline, I assume means a representative voting the party line rather than the way her/his constituents want. I believe that only with less "party discipline" is an elected officer truly representative.

5.   The power of MLAs to hold cabinet accountable should be Increased.

6.   I highly value the goal of proportionality at this time in order to make the electoral process more valid.

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