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Submission DOBSON-0100 (Online)

Submission By J Douglas Dobson
AddressSalt Spring Island, BC,
CategoryElectoral system change
BC should adopt a mixed member proportional electoral system with multimember districts.  To ensure proportionality, top up candidates would be selected from an open party list put forward by the party but prioritized by the voter. [2 pages]

Submission Content
I propose that this Province adopt the Mixed Proportional Representation (mixed regional representation with top up of candidates selected from an open list, put forward by the party but prioritized by the voter), to ensure that final party representation reflects the popular vote +/- a small percentage. 

First, there have been some concerns about the PR system; one of which, I suggest, is actually a strength.

Many believe that the PR system results in minority government, which is frequently true, but I believe that minority Government is in many cases good, for, with a minority government, there must be consultation, and the wild swings from Left to Right that we see, particularly in BC, are moderated.

Another complaint expressed, is that splinter parties have undue influence.

I believe that this problem would be addressed by having a high qualification threshold, and any party, which having met that threshold, would be entitled to their full share based upon a set rounding up or down figure.

The next suggestion addresses the complaint that the electorate would not have an input into the priority of the list of candidates to be selected.

This is true of the closed list system, which is not much of an improvement over what we have now. This flaw is overcome by adopting the Open List system, as distinct from the proposal of Adrienne Carr, for a Party List System, in which the party makes the list, which will be selected in priority from their top choice. I discussed this briefly with Ms Carr, some time ago, but she has made no change to her proposal, as far as I know. 

I also believe that the system should be mixed, so that there are also regional representatives, but with larger constituencies, in order to provide the space for the top up candidates. The top up candidates would be varied in number to allow for a reasonable round up or round down percentage. With the suggested flexible number of top up candidates, the Legislative Chamber might be better fitted with benches, as is the Mother of Parliaments, which would allow for varying numbers.

The only fault that I have not yet been able to address, is, if we are to retain recall, it would be difficult to recall those non constituency MLA’s. I am sure that this could be easily resolved with more thought. (Perhaps a province-wide referendum, but with a lower threshold than for the constituency MLA to qualify to initiate that recall.)

My proposal is for a Mixed Proportional Representation Open List (Preferential) System, with a qualification to receive seats, a sufficiently high percentage of votes to remove splinter and nuisance parties. Once that percentage was reached then the party would receive the seats indicated by their total popular vote.

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