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Submission DEAN-0183 (Online)

Submission ByMs Ava Dean
AddressMerritt, BC, Canada
CategoryElectoral system change
I favour proportional representation as a way to create a more democratic electoral system and to encourage voters to express minority opinions because they believe that their votes will make a difference to the process of governing. [1 page]

Submission Content
I have followed politics and voted in BC and Canadian elcetions for almost 40 years.

I am very much in favour of proportional representation as a way to create a more democratic system and to encourage voters to express their minority opinions because they believe that their votes will make a difference to the process of governing. As well, I believe that most of our social reforms have come from governments that have been forced by their minority status to reach a consensus or compromise position that meets the expectations of the majority of Canadians.

I believe we will have a much higher voter turnout at the polls and much more interest in the political process when we get beyond the "first past the post" system. It is discouraging to watch large majority governments become complacent and/or arrogant about their ability to pass legislation without consultation or political accountability between elections.

I would prefer the electoral system used in New Zealand - the Mixed Member Proportional system.

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