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Submission DAWSON-0810 (Online)

Submission By Rita Dawson
AddressLadysmith, BC,
CategoryElectoral system change
I favour a Mixed Proportional Representation [MMP] voting system for British Columbia and hope, in the final analysis, you recommend it.  I would also like to see a change for mandatory voting just as Australia has. [2 pages]

Submission Content
As I am unable to attend the public hearing in my area to make an oral presentation, please accept my online submission.

The Province of British Columbia is living proof of the necessity for electoral reform.  In 2001 the Liberals won almost all of the seatd -- 77 out of 79 -- 97% of the seats, with only 58% of the vote which left 42% of voters with little to no representation.  The Liberals now have too much unrestricted power enabling them to ram through their agenda, including legislation without consultation, with virtually no restraint, checks or balances.

With the present “first past the post” voting system, designed over 100 years ago for two-party politics, citizens have literally dropped out of the process becoming cynical, apathetic and disinterested.

During the summer of 2002 I was proud to be involved as a volunteer canvasser in the Free Your Vote Campaign for Proportional Representation.  I estimate that I spoke with approximately 3,000 people and everyone was in favour of, and supported, a form of mixed proportional representation voting system.  People wanted to be “heard” and wanted to ensure that they had a local constituent working for them rather then just towing the party line.  They wanted their vote to count.  Just the thought of a change in voting, wherein people wouldn’t have to “waste” their vote, brought a light of hope to their eyes.

Personally speaking I am tired of confrontational government.  Just the word “opposition” is adversarial.  The current system encourages negativity and name-calling…not to mention juvenile behaviour.  Under a form of mixed proportional representation there would be a sharing of power rather than an elected dictatorship.  Cooperation makes for more debate, deliberation and forethought, especially before going into legislation…for example The Rule of Law, under which this country is governed, has been ignored contemptuously (Bill 19 and Bill 37) by the present Liberal government because they have absolute power to write legislation undoing all the work of previous governments.

I am aware that members of the Citizens’ Assembly have before them all the pros and cons for different forms of electoral change, so I won’t go into any more details other than to say I favour a Mixed Proportional Representation voting system for British Columbia and hope, in the final analysis, you recommend it.  I would also like to see a change for mandatory voting just as Australia has.

The present voting system no longer serves society well because the majority are not represented.  People must be empowered to take back the commons.  Please give us the tool to do this.

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