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Submission CURRIE-1271 (Online)

Submission By Donald Currie, Chair, Canadians for Peace and Socialism
AddressSlocan, BC, Canada
OrganizationCanadians for Peace and Socialism
CategoryElectoral system change
Our group supports PR as the preferred voting system for BC. It is a system widely used in democracies around the world and has a proven track record to produce the most representative and fair outcome in general elections. [1 page]

Submission Content
Our group, Canadians for Peace and Socialism, support proportional representation [PR] as the preferred voting system for BC. It is a system widely used in democracies around the world and has a proven track record to produce the most representative and fair outcome in general elections.

Under the PR system all votes are valid and carry weight.

Only those who want a system to perpetuate the political control of the powerful and privileged elite oppose proportional representation. Sadly they purport to support democracy but in fact fear it.

The arguments in favour of PR are well known and have been fully detailed in other submissions.

The end game to this process is now being played out. It is now in the realm of power politics with those who fear democracy desperately attempting to prevent PR and those who respect and embrace democracy working for the implementation of PR.

Canadians for Peace and Socialism support PR as the best means to bring the disenfranchised, the dissillusioned and the under represented working people more fully into the democratic process.

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