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Submission COOPERMAN-1258 (Online)

Submission By Aaron Cooperman
AddressClearwater, BC, Canada
CategoryElectoral system change
I endorse the Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) model rather than the Single Transferable Vote (STV) model for five reasons. [1 page]

Submission Content
I endorse the Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) model, for the following reasons:
  1. It is simpler. There is no need for voters to understand the other more complex systems proposed.
  2. The results tend to better represent the diversity of views amongst the electorate.
  3. Vote counting under the MMP system is transparent and straight-forward, whereas under the STV system, there are so many complex steps to go through that it would take much more than 1 day to achieve final results. This would put volunteer scrutineers at a distinct disadvantage. 
  4. Under the MMP system, election results are known within hours of poll closings so candidates and the public get to know in a properly timely fashion who will form the government and who will sit in opposition. The STV system is very complex to administer following poll closings with its many complex steps, thus it is subject to error at many points. Results could take days and longer to become known. The process is anything but transparent because of the numbers of steps and calculations, which will not be readily understood by most voters. This could result in many voter errors. Further, it is not clear if scrutineers, as we know them today, would be able to participate in all the steps required before a winner is decided upon.
  5. The STV system cannot make the claim to be more democratic than the MPP system, since the voting system at the polls is in itself more complex. The more complex any system is, the greater the probability of error.

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