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Submission BOLDT-1086 (Online)

Submission By Cliff Boldt
AddressUnion Bay, BC, Canada
CategoryCitizens' Assembly process, Electoral system change
I favour of some form of mixed proportional representation [MMP] in future BC elections. This system preserves local representation while ensuring that elected seats more accurately reflect the popular vote.  I am against STV. [2 pages]

Submission Content
I wish to make a submission in favour of some form of mixed proportional representation [MMP] in future BC elections. This system is widely used around the world because it preserves local representation while ensuring that elected seats more accurately reflect the popular vote. The proposal for a mixed single transferable vote (STV) in the urban parts of the province and keep the current for the rural is so blatantly political it should be cast aside without further serious discussion.

The STV is not very popular anywhere in the world (I think Malta uses it) and we used to have a form of it here and it too provided wild political swings in BC.

I am also kind of worried about the panel of presenters who will communicate with the province about the options. Something like 75 - 80% of the public presentations favoured some kind of proportional representation, yet a majority of the 9 presenters don't favour that system. So, I have some questions:

  • How were these people chosen?
  • Who chose them? Who chose the choosers?
  • Why does their selection not more accurately reflect public input? Why was considered public input so disregarded?
  • Is there another agenda at work here?
I would really appreciate some timely answers to these very serious questions.

Using proportional representation will provide governments that more accurately reflect the voters wishes, and will provide more balanced government than BC has seen in the last 30 years. There should be a reasonable threshold of popular vote to get representation. 5% seems adequate to me.

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