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Submission SCHWARTZ-1619 (Online)

Submission ByProfessor Bryan Schwartz
AddressWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
CategoryElectoral system change
'Additional Thoughts on Selecting PR Members'.  A supplementary submission amending a 'PR-Light' system by selecting list members from a party's best losers in a region. [3 pages]

Submission Content
Supplementary submission [to Schwartz 0051].

I continue to strongly favour "PR light" - about 20% compensation PR seats. (I have previously made a submission on this point, and earlier attached the Law Commission of Canada study that I wrote, with Darla Rettie, in 2003 [See Schwartz 0051).

The STV (Irish system) is too complicated and in Canadian conditions can require constituencies that are too large to be workable.

I continue to agree, with Winston Churchill, that Alternate Voting is by far the worst idea on the table -- it does not produce proportionality and it gives too much weight to second choices of fringe party voters.

My supplementary submission deals with the way to choosing PR members. I have earlier proposed using party lists, but limiting the ability of a member to be repeatedly elected this way, rather than being directly elected.

I just wanted to mention another approach - which is to have the PR members chosen from among those candidates in a region who actually ran for office, based on how many votes they actually received even though they did not finish first.

I have briefly elaborated on this concept in the attachment.

Again, it has been an honour to have a chance to contribute to your deliberations.

[See linked document below]

Related Links
DetailsWord DocumentSchwartz1619 - Supplement to PR Light
DetailsAcrobat PDFSchwartz1619 - Supplement to PR Light
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