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Submission ZENGER-1564 (Online)

Submission By Ruth Zenger
AddressBlind Bay, BC,
CategoryElectoral system change
MMP provieds a local representative , as well as making it possible to represent the diverse views of the constituents in a given area.  The party list should permit choice by the voters of that party. [1 page]

Submission Content
I am writing to voice my support for a change in British Columbia's voting system.  After thoroughly reading information on the three possible ways to vote for our Legislative Assembly I am more than ever convinced that the Mixed Member Proportional system is the best choice.  The FPTP is certainly not fair in a jurisdiction, such as BC where there are 3 or more parties; it seems to me that the MMP gives one a representative from one's area, who should have a knowledge of local issues and attitudes, as well as making it possible to represent the diverse views of the constituents in a given area.  This method would also offer this in reasonably sized geographic areas.  I do believe that each party list from which MLAs would be chosen should allow for the expression of preference by the voters of that party.

As a presently disenfranchised voter I thank the Citizens Assembly for their hard work and dedication

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