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Submission WOOD-0933 (Online)

Submission By Mairlynn Wood
AddressLumby, BC, Canada
CategoryElectoral system change, Other
I would like to see a voting system that does guarantee proportionality.  [1 page]

Submission Content
I would like to see a voting system that does guarantee proportionality. The East, especially Ontario and Quebec, seem to get all the goodies that our tax dollars pay for. They also virtually dictate who will be Prime Minister. It makes me feel that BC is just here to give up our wealth and natural resources to the Eastern provinces; who used up there resources long ago. We are not getting much of anything from confederation. Right now we have the highest unemployment and lowest wages in Canada, but we have most of the natural resources that spell wealth. Do you think something might be wrong with this picture? It's sad that we have to practically beg the Federal Government to send us back some of our tax dollars so that we can fund health care and education. We need to have a stronger voice in how this money is spent. We need to have a Prime Minister from the west.

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