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Submission WIPOND-0268 (Online)

Submission By Rob Wipond
AddressVictoria, BC, Canada
CategoryElectoral system change
I favour one of the proportional representation systems, preferably one which is sufficiently easy for the general public to understand, like MMP, and with first and second choices on a ballot, allowing for election "run-offs".  [1 page]

Submission Content
I would like to register my desire to see a new type of electoral system in BC which allows the percentage of popular vote to have a more direct effect on who is elected than our current system allows. I favour one of the proportional representation systems, preferably one which is sufficiently easy for the general public to understand, like MMP. I also like the idea of having first and second choices on a ballot, allowing election "run-offs" to occur. But I am not overly biassed -- virtually any system would be better than the one we currently use, and I trust the Assembly will come up with a good recommendation.

As a freelance writer who has researched and written on the subject of electoral reform, I have spoken to a wide range of people in BC about this subject, and I can honestly say that virtually everyone I encountered who became educated on electoral systems quickly started to desire a new type--usually one of proporational representation. I sincerely believe that the only thing preventing a tidal wave of public support for electoral change is a widespread lack of knowledge about the issue and the possibilities for change. I hope the Citizens' Assembly will help remedy that problem.

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