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Submission WELLS-0678 (Online)

Submission By April Wells
AddressMasset, BC,
CategoryDemocratic elections, Electoral system change
Proportional Representation is a good idea, with local representation half and party list half [MMP].  I would consider that a good balance.  Then there would be at least one or two people who would speak my mind in the government. [2 pages]

Submission Content
The most important part of reforming  voting here in BC is to make changes to election donations limiting the size of donations from individuals, businesses and especially from corporations.  I hope this is under your mandate.  Research shows that voters vote for the name they have seen most often.  Yes, some joker of a judge somewhere gave corporations the rights of citizens but as we now know, corporations are psychotic citizens who have no compassion (reminds me of our premier) and therefore we must not let them buy our democracy.
As well, I think if essential to limit election spending by candidates and parties, again so that the wealthy are not buying the vote  which is what I feel happens now.
I do not feel that what we have in federal or provincial politics resembles the democracy I would like to see at all.  My local MLA's opinions are so totally the opposite of mine that I cannot even talk to the man.  Therefore my voice is not represented in either level of government at all and NEVER HAS BEEN.  The gap is so wide; for instance,  my MLA does not speak for my area on the matter of oil and gas development.  I live on Haida Gwaii and both MLA and MP are for it, and most everyone here is totally against.  Nor do we want giant wind power after we found out that we will not receive any power from them, it will all go south, and every day here in my small town of 2000 people one giant truck load of diesel is burnt to make the power (creating pollution). 
Proportional Representation is a good idea.  I would consider that local representation could  be half and party list half.  I would consider that a good balance.  Then there would be at least one or two people who would speak my mind in the government.
Also, if there is some way you can prevent ballot tampering like happened in Florida to elect Bush, please do that too.

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