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Submission SPICE-0745 (Online)

Submission By Gerald A (Jerry) Spice
AddressKamloops, BC, Canada
CategoryElectoral system change
PR gives too much power to unelected party officials. An automatic or instant runoff system requiring voters to rank candidates [AV], would ensure that each MLA was either the first or second choice of a majority of voters. [1 page + link]

Submission Content
Proportional representation would appoint representatives to govern in proportion to the popular vote. So far, so good. But since we would not vote for a local representative under this system, the unelected officials of the parties themselves would presumedly appoint all the representatives from their own lists. Wouldn't voters therefore lose more in accountability and representativeness than we could gain? Minority or coalition governments would become the norm, preventing radicalism, but causing sclerosis by compromise (think of our futile attempts at constitutional reform in Canada).

An alternative not much discussed is the automatic or instant runoff system [AV], which would ensure that each Member of Parliament was either the first or second choice of a majority of voters. Voters rank the candidates; the preferred candidate is first choice and, in case their favorite is eliminated, their runoff choices are ranked second, third, etc. If no candidate receives a majority of the #1 votes, the candidate with the least total of #1 votes is eliminated. The second choice votes from these ballots are then transferred to the other candidates. The ballots are recounted, and candidates are eliminated in this fashion until a winner emerges with a majority of the vote. Candidates then must appeal to a broad base of voters to attract first or second choice votes.

Instant runoffs would preserve our current system of government and traditions, and ensure that we can still locally elect people to represent us who are, if not our favourites, at least the least-disliked by the majority. A subtle, but effective, reform. See for more on the mechanics.

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