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Submission MOEN-0830 (Online)

Submission By Keith Moen
AddressVictoria, BC,
CategoryDemocratic elections, Electoral system change
I recommend that ballots include a "none of the above" [NOTA] category, as well moving to a system of proprotional representation [PR].  [1 page]

Submission Content

I just want to say that I am really amazed and proud to participate in this process.
  1. I recommend that on the voting ballots it includes a "none of the above" [NOTA] category.  This will then give a voter the option of disagreeing with all candidates (which is conceivably very possible) and differentiate between those who spoil a ballot by error or on purpose, and from those who don't vote due to dismay or apathy. This will greatly increase the democracy of voting.
  2. Have permanent voting stations that are also used for ongoing polls of citizens.
  3. Align them with the federal voting districts and much much money will be saved.
  4. Any form of proportional representation [PR] will be far better than the system we presently use
  5. Have the referendum on the format the month before the next election, not during the same time, so that we can try it in action
  6. Lower the age of voting to 16.  If one uses the argument that they may not be knowedgable enough to vote, then they don't talk to youth.  I am a counsellor of youth for over 10 years, and I know more adults that don't understand the voting system or speak less open mindedly about politics than the number of youth.  If concerned, have people write a democracy test, with free ongoing classes.  That would include manadatory democracy classes in school.

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