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Submission KREMER-0148 (Online)

Submission By Joseph Kremer
AddressVancouver, BC, Canada
CategoryElectoral system change
BC should adopt the mixed member proportional system (MMP) used successfully in other parliamentary democracies. It balances the strengths of the first past the post system (FPTP) with the advantages of proportional representation. [1 page]

Submission Content
Our electoral system has failed the people of BC. The 1996 election allowed a party that came in second place in the voting to form a majority government! The 2001 election produced an opposition of just two members! These skewed results cannot be allowed to continue. Our democracy must allow for the voices of the people to be heard. This requires an electoral system that allows for proportional representation.

The electoral system that can best accomplish this is the mixed member proportional system (MMP) that is used successfully in countries such as Germany and New Zealand. This system works very well in parliamentary democracies throughout the world. It balances the strengths of our current first past the post system (FPTP) with the advantages of proportional representation.

The MMP system has many advantages. A major advantage of the MMP system is that it encourages representation from many groups not currently represented in the legislature. Another major advantage of the MMP system is that it would reduce the extreme polarization of politics that has plagued BC.

Also, MLA's representing single member constituencies should receive the majority of votes cast from their respective constituencies. The alternative vote would be the best method to accomplish this.

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