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Submission KNEEN-1369 (Online)

Submission By Brewster Kneen
AddressSorrento, BC,
CategoryElectoral system change
Support for a New Zealand-like MMP voting system in BC, and comments on the Citizens' Assembly Preliminary Statement. [2 pages]

Submission Content
Electoral reform is badly needed.  This is obvious when one looks at both the recent Federal election and the last BC election.  In both cases, vast numbers of citizens are effectively excluded from representation in government. In BC, the failure of the democratic process is evident in the dictatorial character of the current government.

The proposal for a New Zealand-like MMP voting system in BC makes the most sense to me at this time.

Comments in response to the Preliminary Statement to the People of British Columbia:

A. “The Assembly’s Work to Date”  identifies four benchmarks. The fourth,” The impact of the voting system on governance” refers only to “effective government” and the “working of the legislature.”  I think it imperative to also take into consideration the civil service.  A respected and valued civil service – now derisively referred to by those who call for “smaller government” as “bureaucracy” – is essential to good governance.  In any electoral reform, respect for a professional civil service responsive to the policy directives of a democratic government should be recognized. An MMP system would certainly facilitate this, since no single party could abuse and demean public employees in the way the current government of BC has.

B. “The Assembly’s Assessment of BC’s Current Electoral System” states that the current system “has served us well” and is one in which governments and politicians have been accountable. I do not think such a statement reflects the reality of the current situation in BC. Certainly my own MLA appears to hold the public in contempt, and feels no responsibility to even respond to communications from his constituents. (He will respond that he acknowledges receipt of letters, but even this is not true.)  There is no accountability in what amounts to a dictatorship, unless accountability refers to accountability to a particular wealthy elite.

The “winner-take-all competition” identified under “Strengths of the Current System” is extremely undemocratic and has only worked to serve certain special interests, not the citizens as a whole and certainly not the future of the province.

I would strongly endorse the three major points concerning the “Weaknesses of the Current System.” I would add, under “Government-Dominated Parliaments,” that the current system permits highly ideological policies and practices to be followed which were never voted on, such as the campaign of privatization being inflicted on BC by its current government.

C. I am in agreement with the suggestions made under point 4, “Approaches to Alternative Electoral Systems.”

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