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Submission GAUDART-0059 (Online)

Submission By Raymond Gaudart
AddressRossland, BC,
CategoryElectoral system change
Of the five goals of an electoral system -- proportionality, more choice, stable government, institutional reform and the ehancement of links to local communities -- the most important is proportionality. [1 page]

Submission Content

1. Under the current voting system parties win a majority of the seats often on less than 50 percent of the vote. Do you find that acceptable?   No.

2. Under the current system, voters often support a candidate or party that is not their first choice for fear of wasting their vote. If that could be changed, should it be?   Yes.

3. Making the voting system more proportional will likely lead to coalition government. Do you approve?   Yes.

4. Do you feel party discipline should be: As is? More? Less?   Less.

5. The power of MLAs to hold cabinet accountable should be: Increased? Decreased? As is?   Increased.

6. Of the five goals -- proportionality, more choice, stable government, institutional reform and local links, which do you value most?   Proportionality. The rest will follow.

Raymond Gaudart

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