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Submission GLAIM-0790 (Online)

Submission By Darlene Glaim
AddressSmithers, BC, Canada
CategoryDemocratic government, Electoral system change, Minority representation, Regional representation
First Nations should have regional electoral representation in parliament. I have been been involved in negotiations with the government and it is very clear there is a lack of voice for the Aboriginal people of British Columbia. [1 page]

Submission Content
In response to the work of the Citizens' Assembly I would like to recommend the elections have regional representation of First Nations at the parliament level. During the last ten years I have been sitting through exhaustive negotiations with the government and it is very clear there is a lack of voice for the Aboriginal people of British Columbia. We really need to have more of a voice at the provincial level along with the other officials on behalf of BC. The people here are figures of argument yet there is really a noticeable lack of employed First Nations/Aboriginal people and if there is going to be justice in this province it should be very clearly addressed for the long term by having our leaders participate in the governing of our proper place. This could show the world a better system. Why have Band Elected people stay in roles with the FN Summit and yet the majority of our treaty affairs are based on off reserve lands? We are negotiating issues based on regional approaches yet the future doesn't hold any position in these structures.

Anyway, offer participation to address the economic, cultural, social and political issues we have in an open process like the governments are expected to have.

This would make the future prosperous.

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