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Submission GEHRY-0731 (Online)

Submission By Christopher Gehry
AddressNorth Vancouver, BC, Canada
CategoryElectoral system change
As a Canadian of German heritage I see how successfully the German parliament operates under MMP. Regions of our province would be more fairly represented and political debate would be much more representative of the population's will. [1 page]

Submission Content
I whole heartedly support a Mixed Member Proportional [MMP] system. As a Canadian of German heritage I see how successfully the German parliament operates under this system. Regions of our province would be more fairly represented and political debate would be much more representative of the population's will.

You can trust there was great thought put into the new parliamentary system of Germany after World War II. Mistakes in the old parliamentary system were corrected and now we see a strong and well functioning democracy.

As a homeopath I must point out that such a system is "holistic" in its representation of the people's opinion as it much more accurately expresses the view of all parts of the population.

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