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Submission FERGUSON-1084 (Online)

Submission By Greg Ferguson
AddressSurrey, BC, Canada
CategoryElectoral system change
I favour a voting system that allows individuals to vote for the candidate and the party that they feel best represents their views. I believe the MMP system is the best option in this regard and thus favour its use in future elections. [1 page]

Submission Content
I am in favour of a new way of electing members of parliament, as the current First Past the Post system is unfair in its representation of the wishes of BC citizens. Too much power is given to one party or another, thus resulting in far leaning left or right policies, which does not bode well for the stability of BC and long term democratic decision making. I am in favour of a voting system that allows individuals to vote for the candidate and the party that they feel best represents their views. I believe the MMP system is the best option in this regard and thus favour its use in future elections.

Thank you to the Citizens Assembly for the work you have done to date for the people of BC.

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