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Submission BUTTENHAM-0727 (Online)

Submission By Trevor Buttenham
AddressKelowna, BC, Canada
CategoryElectoral system change
I support the MMP system of voting.  Fairness is having all votes count. Having two votes, one for local representation and one based on party policies would reflect community based needs, as well as a preference for party. [1 page]

Submission Content
I am in full support of the Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) system of voting.  Fairness is having all votes count. Too often the political parties in power do not speak for me. Having two votes, one for local representation and one based on party policies would allow us to vote for the person best suited to represent local, community based needs, as well as giving us the opportunity to participate in the province's political party agendas.  As a voter under the age of 30, I feel that having one's vote actually count will empower people my age to participate in the political process. This can only make our province and country stronger.

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